To see men be the spiritual leaders of their families, and community at large.
Assemble a band of brothers that take up arms against the enemy of deceit, and lies. To equip them with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and encourage a spirit of boldness to do what is right. That man would go forward into the world confident in His creator and what He created him for.
We are at war! We fight to keep our family unit together. We fight against the disintegration of our communities. We fight to keep our country one nation under God. We take ground for God’s kingdom not our own. We accept Paul’s exhortation to “put on the whole armor of God” standing firm in His Truth, charging forward into enemy territory to take back what is lost. We are God’s Holy Warriors.
Men for ministry
I had a conversation with one of my friends, Dane Johnson, and he said, he's tired of developing Men's Ministry; why don't we develop MEN for Ministry? A light bulb went off in my head, and I've been running with it ever since. So what is stage 1.? We try to meet men where they are, and get them involved with men and the Ministry any way, we can.
Band of Brothers
They've gone from stage 1 to Stage 2. They're in a Bible study. They know the men by the first name, and they know some of their wives, and children's names. They're showing up regularly, and they're getting used to sacrificing their time, talent, and treasures for God's Kingdom. They're watching other men do the same. Other men that are investing in each other. They know it feels right. They just don't know why. And they want more. This is a man doing Bible studies, occasional BBQ, and serving from time to time, but they still have to be asked.
God's Holy Warriors
Now then, they know each other by name. They even know each other's last names. They know their wives ' names, their kid's names. Why is this important because it means they're doing life together regularly? There is a tribe. They're locking arms for God's Kingdom regularly. They talk to each other weekly, they're doing family parties BBQs they're serving together. Their whole lives have drastically changed, and they know it. They slow down for God's kingdom. They realize that they have eyes to see and ears to hear. They feel like they're making a difference for God's kingdom, and they want to spread the good news of the Gospel.
Seal Team 6 for Christ
This is as far as it gets. Even though we're flawed and imperfect humans, when we say we will do anything short of sin for God's kingdom, we mean it. Sacrificing our time, talents, and treasures means nothing to this man, he's all in. He knows who he is. He knows who his Creator is, and what he created him for. There won't be very many men in this category. This isn't a category that you can walk around, with your shoulders back, and say, look what I've done. This category is where Seal team members can look at each other, and nod their heads, and they know exactly what that means. I will sacrifice everything for God's kingdom; no man is Left Behind, no matter what.